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Future Posts

Since taking the relatively easy, yet important step of actually starting a blog, I have had the privilege of ruminating on what I would like to actually write about. I will now post some of my ideas so I can both prepare and give my readers* more of an idea of what to expect. 

I will note that most of what comes to mind has been in the second category of my original purpose statement. As much as I would like to make beautiful posts showing more specifically what we do in our school days (when others do it, I am inspired for my family in addition to enjoying a sense of camaraderie), I am feeling put off when I actually consider doing it. One reason is that I simply don't feel comfortable displaying my kids' work for anyone and everyone. Their education is, after all, their education, and so I feel like they should have a say in what gets broadcast. If you are ever at my house for dinner, I will be happy to show you what we have been doing. If you are the gummint, you will need to show appropriate paperwork. The other reason is taking and posting pictures seems too hard to me right now. So most of my posts will be philosophical in nature, and while there will necessarily be glimpses into what our days must look like, I think I won't be able to use this platform as much as a tool for accountability. That's ok, though! It helps narrow down my purpose. 

So here is what is forthcoming:

- I would like to respond to a podcast series that Andrew Kern recently produced on assessment in his Ask Andrew series on the Circe Institute's podcast network.

- I am power reading Charlotte Mason's first two volumes in the Home Education Series and plan to be finished by the end of October. I hope to answer the questions in the back of the book as I go along. 

- Thoughts on the Rich Young Ruler. I recently found a paper on this passage in scripture that I wrote in college. I was never happy with my professor's comments on it and the topic was brought up as an aside in my pastor's most recent sermon. I need to finish puzzling this one out- rich people and how they get to heaven.

- The role of failure in education

- I have been intrigued with the idea of "pegs" or "hooks" in education since I worked at a classical school 8 years ago. The idea is that we can not learn anything unless there is something already in our minds to hook the new information onto. It sounds simple and profound. Definitely profound, but not so simple. 

I can't wait to get these thoughts down and "out there." My goal is to write no less than a weekly basis. May God bless this work.


* Ha! I think it would be so neat if people find this blog by chance, but I have not told anyone about this except my husband. I am just trying to practice consistency in writing for now, and if it goes well, he will make me a fancy wordpress blog! 


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