Since taking the relatively easy, yet important step of actually starting a blog, I have had the privilege of ruminating on what I would like to actually write about. I will now post some of my ideas so I can both prepare and give my readers* more of an idea of what to expect. I will note that most of what comes to mind has been in the second category of my original purpose statement. As much as I would like to make beautiful posts showing more specifically what we do in our school days (when others do it, I am inspired for my family in addition to enjoying a sense of camaraderie), I am feeling put off when I actually consider doing it. One reason is that I simply don't feel comfortable displaying my kids' work for anyone and everyone. Their education is, after all, their education, and so I feel like they should have a say in what gets broadcast. If you are ever at my house for dinner, I will be happy to show you what we have been doing. If you are the gummint, you will ne...
I'm starting a blog for three reasons: 1) We can have some accountability in our homeschool and no one has to ask the awkward question, "What do you do all day?" 2) I can have an outlet for my swirling thoughts. 3) Hopefully said swirling thoughts can be an encouragement to someone out there. To God be the glory.